Sunday, November 30, 2008
November 30
Thanksgiving was nice, I had an easy drive up to Kentucky to spend with my Grandparents, it was 1:00 in the morning when I arrived, I expected to find a dark house and to quietly let myself in, but they were both awake and partying after I was in bed asleep. My Grandmother loves her XM stereo, she blasts it like a teenager. My Grandfather was watching a Clint Eastwood western on his big screen tv. That thing is the size of my couch. Anyway, the next morning I was up early to watch the parade like I do every year. Had to wait for the rest of the family before we could stuff ourselves with the annual feast, just like every year. I'm back home now, and I didn't even gain any weight so I'm happy about that.
Monday, November 24, 2008
November 24
I have pulled another muscle and I have no idea how. It just started hurting. Makes it difficult to work out or go running. Perhaps tonight I will catch up on the shows I've recorded and haven't gotten around to watching yet. I still haven't seen Batman Begins and it comes on FX later this evening. I should probably watch the original before I see Dark Knight, like I've been wanting. I just read somewhere that James Franco is attending Graduate School at Columbia University, I need to look into getting my Master's degree, perhaps in something useful this time, like business or Human Resources.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
November 19
Hooray, I am finally out of the second cell phone contract that I set up for my former friend. I am down to one phone line and I even get to keep my same phone number. My cell phone bill will be cut signifigantly and I only have a year left on my own contract. Doesn't matter, I'm pretty happy with T-Mobile, I don't think I'll leave. It is nice having that weight off though, I will NEVER try to help someone like that again, if there's a chance I'll get stuck with a $225 bill in overage charges, not to mention 3 months left on a contract that's in my name. It's over and now I can forget about it.
Monday, November 17, 2008
November 17

Panama City Beach was great, too cold to actually go in the water or do any boogie boarding, but I took my shoes and socks off and played in the surf a little. We went to a bookstore for a Twilight premiere party and to a bar called "Coyote Ugly" where hot chicks danced on the bar. I actually made pretty good time on the drive back, 6 hours, not bad at all, considering how long it took to drive down with traffic and lousy weather.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
November 13
I only went on Facebook for the first time a few days ago and there were a ton of people I recognize from high school, including one of my best friends from back home, haven't talked to her in 15 years. I've changed a lot since then, thank the goddess. Most of these people wouldn't even recognize me anymore. Looking forward to my trip to Panama City Beach this weekend, of course, I have to find someone to cover for me at the animal shelter I volunteer at on Saturdays, shouldn't be too hard. I also need a new tire iron, mine's broken. Heaven forbid I should get a flat tire in Tennessee somewhere and not be able to fix it.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
November 11
Pet Peeves. We all have them. Like rich people that complain about paying taxes, or white people that try to sound black, or older people trying to use the same language and catchphrases that teenagers use because they think it makes them sound hip. It makes them sound ridiculous and they're usually not fooling anybody. People who talk on their cell phones when they're supposed to be driving or moving ahead in line at the store, etc. Static electricity, the scraping noise people make with their utensils on porceline dishes, that kind of thing. Obnoxious DJ's on the radio that think they're being funny. It makes you want to just stay at home all the time and just avoid people altogether.
Monday, November 10, 2008
November 10

I love my new flat screen tv. It's not huge, only 22" but it's hi-def and digital. I was able to get rid of the huge tv stand I used to have for the outdated monstrosity I used to have in my living room, since my new one only weighs about 15 lbs. I sold the old one on Craigslist for $25, the people who came to buy it had a truck and were able to lift it one-handed and that tv must have weighed 60 lbs. One less thing to worry about if and when I ever move out of my studio. I also sold my Betty Boop leather jacket, which was about 2 sizes too big for me. A fellow collector came by to buy it from me, only she comes to my door, sees Luci and steps back saying "Oooh, I don't like cats." Her body language told me she was AFRAID of cats. How could anyone be afraid of Luci? She doesn't even have claws. I put her in the bathroom while we made our transaction. Poor kitty probably thought she was in trouble and getting a time out. Anyway, this upcoming weekend I've been invited to spend a couple of days at a friend's condo in Panama City Beach. I've never been and I'm really looking forward to walking along the beach for a couple of days. It's supposed to be about 70 degrees, maybe too cold for a swimsuit, but definitely warm enough for walking around. I need a better digital camera so I can take some good shots.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
November 6

Coldplay was great, the seats I had sucked, I was thinking they were lower level, but they were as close to being nosebleeds as you can come. I actually felt dizzy. The opening act wasn't all that great, I kind of wished I had stayed home until 8:30 instead of getting there early. My picture phone didn't really take very good pictures, but at least they came out, you can sort of see the band when they walked out into the crowd to do an acoustic song. One thing about going to concerts at Phillips Arena, why are the concessions so expensive? They had anything you could want to eat or drink if you had just won the lottery. $6.50 for a glass of wine? I can buy an entire bottle for that much. $13.50 for a single premium, which I think is like Captain & Coke or something. Good lord, I don't know how anyone can afford that.
I think Grissom and Sara are going to break up tonight on CSI, just as well. I always wanted to see Gris with Lady Heather anyway.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
November 5

We did it! I knew we would win by a landslide and we did, in all 3 houses. I was extremely disappointed in California for voting in favor of discrimination, but that vote could be set aside by the Supreme Court, and the existing marriages would be "Grandfathered in" Looking at the final vote tally it was like looking at a map of the United States during the Civil War or something, they way it was divided by North & South. I was pretty upset at what a large margin Georgia lost to McCain, after standing in line to vote for almost 3 hours. I know this is the deep South and Atlanta isn't typical, but I let myself get excited when I saw all those Obama supporters in line at the courthouse. Record numbers at the polls, just like I thought.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
November 4

Tomorrow is the big day, I'm going to see Coldplay! The seats aren't great, but they're lower level and better than nothing. They weren't even that expensive. Some of my co-workers had to take a personal day so they could go and vote, I am so glad I voted early. I sure wouldn't want to use up a personal day if I didn't have to. On a bright note, I am just two weeks away from getting out of the cell phone agreement from when I added a second line to my account for my former friend that ran up $225 in overage charges. It expires two weeks from today and I am back to only paying for my own line. I think I would like one of those LG Flash phones with the mirror surface, those look cool.
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