Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September 22

Most of my shows are back on the air, good thing I have DVR, I would miss at least half of them without it. Yesterday I had an eye exam and found out my vision is no where near as bad as I thought, my own Optometrist is twice as near sighted as I am and she says she's only moderately near sighted. Anyway, I'm ordering some glasses for back up tonight and they're not cheap, even with my insurance discount. I wanted to go see Blink 182 & Fall Out Boy next month at the Amplitheater, but I can't do both. I definitely need glasses more than I need to go to another concert. I don't think I'm going to need the AC for the rest of the year, I can go ahead and yank it out of the window until next Summer.

Monday, September 14, 2009

September 14

Creed was great, as usual, on Saturday night. After the show I bought a t shirt from a vendor for $10, that was pretty cool. I don't know why anyone would pay $35 for a t shirt. The trip to my Grandparents house during my vacation was a little depressing, my Grandmother isn't quite all there anymore, mentally. Sometimes she says things that don't make any sense, at least they've got the home care provider there to help them out.