It's been a while since I posted. I just finished deleting my Facebook account. Facebook is a huge fucking waste of time and I really wish I never signed up for it in the first place. To make matters worse, today, someone I thought was a friend posed an embarrassing picture of me for the whole world to see. I sent a message letting her know I didn't appreciate it but the damage is done. Anyway, no more Facebook and no more obnoxious email notifications from people I went to high school with. On a happier note, both of my favorite singers went thru to Hollywood on America's got Talent, one of them was the actress from Precious's mom. She's really good, I would be surprised if she didn't make the top ten. There are a few too many dance teams for my taste, but there is still a pretty good mix. My little window unit AC is working like a charm, even in 99 degree heat. My condo rarely gets above 82 degrees. I also bought a cover for my fireplace since I never use it, and it looked ugly. Looks much better now. I put in an application for a part time job at Hollywood Tans to work weekends, haven't heard anything yet.