I can't believe the war in Iraq is finally over! It's taken them long enough. Thank the higher power Obama was elected over McCain, otherwise, I don't think our troops would have come home this week. I never thought they should have been sent in the first place. I'm getting over a nasty case of poison ivy, which I seem to have picked up second hand at the gym of all places, someone must have gotten it and left it on a machine, which I immediately used. From now on I'm wiping those leather areas down before I use them! I might be going to see a WNBA game Sunday with a friend of mine, there's a meet & greet with the player afterwards. I've been thinking a lot about my college days recently, wondering if I missed out by working weekends and living off campus instead of fully investing in campus life and not joining a sorority or something along those lines. I don't think they would have wanted me anyway, I never really fit in with those people and it seemed like High School all over again, but at the same time, I might not have drifted around in school as much as I did or taken as long to graduate if I had taken a different route.