Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13

I just downloaded 50 Shades of Grey onto my Ipod.  It's a fairly long book, broken into 3 parts,  5 or  6 hours per part and I'm about 2 1/2 hours in.  Everyone's talking about it so I thought I would read it.  There's talk of the handsome guy from White Collar playing Christian Grey, he would be good. 

I've been working out at the gym for 17 years, when I first started I didn't know one end of a free weight from the other but after so many years of a set routine, I'm comfortable enough with my level of fitness to assist others that look like they might be just starting out.  After weight lifting I hop on the treadmill for a given amount of time, depending on how much time I have, although I've never considered myself a distance runner, I consider myself a runner.  It was brought to my attention after reading Runner's Magazine that you're not a true runner if you only do the treadmill so today when I got home I decided to hit the high school track for a jog.  At 7:30 at night it's deserted and I don't think my county has started school yet anyway.  With Ipod & water bottle in hand, I head for the track, which I know from my own miserable high school experience is exactly 1/4 mile.  I was barely a full lap around the track before I got winded, and not even two laps before my legs felt like they were cramping and I had to slow down to a walk.  What is wrong with me?  It's not like I've never exercised before, is the treadmill really that much easier?  I tried not to get too frustrated, and told myself that as a creature of habit I'm just not used to it and I'll improve over time.  I've never had my legs cramp up like that before.  Maybe I didn't warm up enough before hand.  We'll see.