Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 28

I talked to my Dad last night, my Stepmother called me by accident, apparently my number is right next to my half-sister's (also named Michelle) in her phonebook. I knew right away what happened when I picked up the phone and she started talking in Spanish. Anyway, I talked to my Dad for a few minutes, and things are not going well in California, the state's out of money and people receiving unemployment checks might not get anything in the mail next week unless the government helps them out. They need to tax those movie stars making millions of dollars on crap movies like "Love Guru" and the like, or maybe make them start paying a "Bad film tax" if the movie is pure crap they have to personally start funding they state's shortfall. Finally, a chance to get even with Joe Eszterhas for "Showgirls."

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