Last night was the Poker Tournament, I didn't do badly, but I didn't win either. Instead, I stuffed myself on pasta and felt a little light-headed as a result of all the carbs. One of my friends was nice enough to buy me a drink, I like chick drinks. I should probably try something different once in a while, like a rum & coke or the like. I tend to stick to my routine a little too closely. Life in Mars is turning out to be a pretty good show, I like the lead actor, and it seems to follow 1973 pretty well. Of course, I was 3 years old at the time, so I'm not remembering, only going on what I've read about the time period. Funny to think about how they didn't even have Diet Coke back then, if you wanted a low calorie soft drink you had to order Tab which would have been made with saccarine. Nasty. The music that year was pretty good though, I listen to the 70's channel on my Sirius radio all the time. Tonight will be my first night back at the gym since my surgery, so I have a lot of catching up to do.
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