I'm sitting in front of my computer drinking a McCafe Iced Mocha, not as good as Starbucks, but not as expensive either. I had a good weekend, drove out to pick up my Uncle from his trip to Hawaii Sunday morning, he took MARTA to Lindbergh Station and I drove up to pick him up since his roommate kind of bailed on him. Kind of bailed on watering the plants too, they were all shrivelled up and dead looking. He wasn't too happy. Personally, I think plants are a waste of money, unless you grow them from seeds or something. I was thinking about buying a plastic plant from Target for my condo, since I never let any sunlight in, and it would give the place a little color. Kenny also gave me first pick of souvenirs, I got a couple of fridge magnets that look pretty cool. He also saw George Clooney while he was down there, (George went to my Alma Mater, NKU) so I was excited for him. Definitely need to hit the treadmill tonight.
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