My jaw is all healed up from having my wisdom teeth removed. I can chew on both sides and everything. I was extremely nervous about taking painkillers afterwards, but the recovery was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. They gave me prescription Tylenol & Ibuprofen which I only needed for a few days. It's nice not having to worry about them any more. Really, they should have come out ten years ago.
Good to know you`re feeling well Michelle. Hey, if you want to fall about laughing read the comments section over on Soiled Sinemas reveiw of Caravaggio, The Hamsters left 11 hilarious comments over there, its a scream.
Michelle, the great thing about POV, The Side Angle, Glory-Hole, and the best of the Windows Vista Media Centre clips is that you dont have to worry about a blokes arse suddenly coming into shot and spoiling your wank.
Michelle, 50 years ago today Lee Harvey Oswald became the biggest patsy in history, the real killer is probably still out there, now 75 years old and living on nothing but beluga caviar and pink champagne ! ! !, what a bizarre world.
I agree that Lee Harvey Oswald had nothing to do with the shooting.
What about the 11 comments over at Soiled Sinema that i was telling you about Michelle, did you fall about laughing when you read them like i said you would ! ?.
I found Soiled Sinema, which day were the comments entered?
November 18th Michelle, just go to their reveiw of Caravaggio and scroll down to read The Hamsters comments.
Michelle, another 14 hilarious comments have just been posted over on Soiled Sinemas latest reveiw "I Stand Alone". Nip over there and read them little darlin`.
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