Monday, December 1, 2014
December 1
Saturday night I went to see Brantley Gilbert at the Arena in Atlanta, very disappointing. First off, I had a headache, which pretty much ruined any chance of having a good time listening to loud music. Second, the acoustics were terrible. The music sounded like static all night, and to make matters worse, there were 3 opening acts. I got there at 7:00 and at 9:00 Brantley hadn't even taken the stage yet. Finally, he comes out, does a pretty decent show, but near the end, starts off on this pro-gun rant, for his song, "Read me my rights." That's when I decided it was time to leave, drunk rednecks that think someone is trying to take their guns away isn't the safest place to be, IMHO. At least I beat all the traffic coming out of the venue, 5 minutes after I got in my car I was on the Interstate.
Friday, November 21, 2014
November 21
I went to see Little Big Town at the Fabulous Fox theater last weekend, would have been a great show if it were not for the obnoxious people next to me, that's what I get for paying extra for good seats. They won tickets off the radio or something and they were just there to drink and be obnoxious. I think I would be better off in the cheap seats with people who were actually there for the music. Next weekend I'm going to see Brantly Gilbert, should be fun. My Thanksgiving plans are a bust, I don't even have any thing lined up, unless I go out with friends or something.
I had to give up running, my knees hurt too much to do it anymore. Kinda wished I had entered at least one road race now, just so I can say I did one.
Monday, October 6, 2014
October 6

Thursday, September 18, 2014
September 18

Monday, August 25, 2014
August 25
I spent last week taking a vacation and it was the hottest week of the year. Mostly I just hung out at home wishing I had central A.C. My portable works pretty well. I just ordered a T 25 workout program and it's been too hot to try it out. Perhaps this week I'll be able to, since it's something you do from home. I crossed an item off my bucket list Saturday night, I sang karaoke for the first time! Pink's "Please don't leave me." I told the event person that I've never done it before, and was nervous. Then, when it's my turn, he goes, "We have a Karaoke virgin here tonight! She's about to pop her cherry, let's give it up for Michelle!" Everyone started cheering. It was a little intimidating, but I did it and hit all the notes. Felt pretty good afterwards.
Friday, July 18, 2014
July 18
My second mammogram showed nothing is wrong with me, it was just a lymph node surrounded by fatty tissue! What a relief. I really have to have the tests done every year, I'm not so young anymore. Tonight after work I'm going to see KISS & Def Leppard at the Amplitheater.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
July 10
Monday morning I had to go in for a mammogram, since my Lifeforce participation required it to get me a discount on my health insurance, and I didn't have to pay anything. I hadn't been in 10 years, I always figure flat chested women like myself with no family history of breast cancer have nothing to worry about. The procedure doesn't take very long but it is extremely uncomfortable. I walked out afterwards and didn't give it a second thought. What do I have to worry about? I only did it for the health insurance discount. Then, last night I get a letter from them indicating there are "abnormalities" in my scan and I need to come in for more testing. That could mean anything. The soonest appointment I could get was a week from now, so I have to wait and worry. Am I being repaid for my arrogance, not getting tested for 10 years because I didn't think it would happen to me? Richard Roundtree had to have a double mastectomy from breast cancer.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
June 5

Friday, May 16, 2014
May 16

Wednesday, May 7, 2014
May 7
Last night I went to see Lady Gaga at Philips Arena, what a great show. Lady Starlight opened for her for about 40 minutes, she was pretty good too. The crowd was really mellow, lots of people in costumes. I sat with three older women, one of whom flew in from New York for the show. I felt a little deaf afterwards,and I'm completely worn out today, even though I didn't get back all that late.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
April 30
Enjoying my vacation days, I don"t usually have two days off in the middle of the week like this. Did anyone see Game of Thrones this past Sunday? Pretty violent. I don"t mind beheadings and castrations, but violence against women really bothers me. Saw Scott Stapp at Center Stage earlier this month, he was awesome, as usual.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
March 20
Ahh, the first day of Spring. I think. Who cares? Here in Atlanta the seasons don't really change like what I'm used to growing up in the Midwest. I bought a new SUV this past week, a cute Toyota Rav-4. I'm pretty happy with it, it's way nicer & a lot safer than the sub-compacts I've been driving for the past 24 years. Some jerk in a Hummer almost t-boned me in the Quiktrip parking lot a little while back, Hummer vs. Ford Focus would not have gone well for me. I'm about to install a new stereo & speakers since the old factory ones are fairly well shot. The Affordable Care Act is really taking off, 5 million previously uninsured people signing up. Premiums will start dropping soon and we'll get to listen to the Republicans and haters eat their words.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
February 19
I turn 44 tomorrow, which means I am no longer in my "Early 40's" and officially in my "Mid 40's" I'm pretty sure I also phase out of youth into middle-age. This sucks. I need readers for close up, I can't eat spicy food anymore, it's harder and harder to lose weight, but I probably shouldn't complain. I don't have the health issues some people have. On the positive side, I just bought a new dryer. I've never really bought a major appliance before, other than a new microwave. I hope it's quieter than the old one.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
January 8
First post of the New Year, I'm back at Planet Fitness after being completely disappointed by L.A. Fitness. I also broke down and bought a smart phone after years of being on a cheap flip model. I'm probably the last person in the gay community to own one. Hope I don't turn into one of those zombies at the mall that walk around attached to their devices and don't even notice anything else. My only resolution for the new year is to read more and watch less tv, but so far I'm not doing a very good job.
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