Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 19

I turn 44 tomorrow, which means I am no longer in my "Early 40's" and officially in my "Mid 40's" I'm pretty sure I also phase out of youth into middle-age. This sucks. I need readers for close up, I can't eat spicy food anymore, it's harder and harder to lose weight, but I probably shouldn't complain. I don't have the health issues some people have. On the positive side, I just bought a new dryer. I've never really bought a major appliance before, other than a new microwave. I hope it's quieter than the old one.


jervaise brooke hamster said...

Happy birthday little darlin`, to me you`ll never look a day over 28.

jervaise brooke hamster said...

I stopped doing laundry 8 years ago, i just buy new clothes all the time because i`m to lazy to wash the dirty ones.

jervaise brooke hamster said...

February 20th 1970, a golden day because Michelle was born.

Michelle said...

Thanks, it was a nice birthday.