Tuesday, December 18, 2012
December 18
Well. I am done with the Chiropractor and I must say I am glad, or rather I am wishing I never went in the first place. Those people really did a number on me, convincing me I had scoliosis and conning me into signing up for 36 treatments that didn't do a damn bit of good. I looked at the X-rays yesterday and didn't see any difference whatsoever. Of course they tried to sell me more visits and expensive equipment but this time I just said no thanks. Live and learn I suppose. At least I'm done with my Christmas shopping, didn't spend too much money on that. I'm a big fan of the Dollar Tree. The "War on Christmas" nonsense is all anyone is talking about on Facebook, it's so silly.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
December 11
I just read that the DJ's that were responsible for the nurse that committed suicide over the Royal Hospital prank have donated $500 K of guilt money to her family. I'm glad her family will have something to prepare for the future with, but it doesn't excuse what they did. One good thing that has come from this, it got people all over the world talking about lame practical jokes and how DJ's have gone too far with their "Shock routines." Here in America it's illegal to make prank calls.
Today I went running for the first time since Saturday morning when I donated blood, and wasn't able to do my usual mile & a half, I got tired after only half a mile. I suppose the body needs time to replace a pint of blood, but I thought after 3 days I would be good to go. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. Off to Starbucks.
Today I went running for the first time since Saturday morning when I donated blood, and wasn't able to do my usual mile & a half, I got tired after only half a mile. I suppose the body needs time to replace a pint of blood, but I thought after 3 days I would be good to go. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. Off to Starbucks.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
November 27
Las Vegas was a blast! More fun than I remembered, the nickel slot machines were replaced with penny slots, so my money went a lot further this time around. I spent $5.00 at the slot machines and won back $5.50 so I was happy. Every time I sat down at a slot machine I was offered a free drink and tried a Mai Tai, Whiskey Sour and Scotch & Soda, but didn't care for the Scotch. Woke up the next morning with a headache. We saw a Burlesque show on the last night, that was fun, although I don't think my Step-Mother understood what it was, I think she was thinking musical. She was a little surprised when the young ladies started taking their tops off. I didn't buy an expensive frozen drink in a souvenir cup this time, I didn't need to. The casino right next to us was advertising frozen Margaritas for $1.00 each, very nice. I didn't even spend all of the cash I took with me. My brother lost money, as usual. Looking forward to passing out the little poker chips I brought back for my friends.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
November 13
Getting ready for my trip to Las Vegas next week, should be fun. I'm fretting a bit at what to pack, everything has to fit into one suitcase, for obvious reasons. I don't even know which casino we're staying in, some have gyms, some have Jacuzzis. Should I pack a hairdryer? How about my running shoes? The first thing I'm going to do is hit the Stratosphere and get a Strawberry Daq in one of those tall cups like last time, very nice and very potent. Then I'll watch the light show in front of the waterspouts. By the way, there is another "Michelle" that posts under my blog in the comments section, not sure who she is, but unless you see my blog picture next to the comment, it's not me. (Quite all right, I accept all followers)
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
November 7
Woo-hoo! I can't believe what a great night it was for equality! Maine & Maryland voted in favor of gay marriage and Tammy Baldwin became the first openly gay Senator. Marijuana legislation was boosted in a couple of states as well. This is good news. I was hoping for 300 electoral votes and it looks like we're going to exceed it. Won the popular vote too. I can't get this smile off my face.
Monday, November 5, 2012
November 5
I finally finished The God Delusion! Now I'm working on a Christopher Moore novel, but eventually I plan to read The Religious Condition, perhaps on the plane to Las Vegas. I am so glad November 6 is almost here, I'm sick of hearing about the election but PLEASE let Obama be re-elected. I don't want to know what that rich asshole will do if him and his stripper wife oust Barrack & Michelle from the White House. If you haven't voted already, please hit the polls today and pull the straight Democrat Party lever!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
October 30
I got a new computer here at work, it's really nice. Even the keys on the keyboard work better, the old one felt like I was banging away at a 1980's typewriter. I've decided to go to Halloween tomorrow as a zombie, not all that original, but cheap. I'm a little worried about the makeup making my face break out, so I might wash it off mid-day around lunch time. The AIDS Walk went great last weekend, I raised $125 and it was a great turn out. I've also switched back to cable from my ratty outdated satellite dish so now I'm spending even more time in front of the tv catching up on my shows, but I suppose the novelty will wear off soon enough. Just finished reading "A Sinner's Creed" by Scott Stapp, if anyone out there likes Creed you should definitely try it out.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
September 23
For the past two weeks I have been seeing a chiropractor, trying to straighten out my spine. 20 plus years of carrying a book bag and then a gym bag over my right shoulder every day has really taken it's toll on my alignment. So far it's just little stuff; neck & back adjustments. My neck is extremely uncomfortable and I'm hoping this will go away soon. On a more positive note, I'm almost done hanging up the wallpaper border in my bedroom, I think it looks great. My father invited me out to Las Vegas for Thanksgiving, I've only been one time before. It was actually a lot of fun. I hate to miss Thanksgiving with my family, but there's always Christmas.
Monday, September 3, 2012
September 3
Labor Day. A day for lazy people to take the day off, nurse their hangovers, sleep until noon and celebrate how hardworking our society has become. Don't want to sound like I'm complaining or anything; I love sleeping until 8:00 a.m. on a Monday. I joined my boss for a 5 k walk for charity Saturday morning, "Out of Darkness" It's an organization that fights sexual predators & human trafficking here in the U.S. You would be surprised how many women & even small children are victims. I got up at 4:00 in the morning to meet her since it was way across town. I didn't raise that much money, but I think she did, so it was all worth while. This fall I will be participating in the 5 k walk for AIDS research, like I do every October, I suppose I need to start doing some fundraising for that. I've never been very good at asking people for donations, I would honestly rather just write a check myself.
Monday, August 13, 2012
August 13
I just downloaded 50 Shades of Grey onto my Ipod. It's a fairly long book, broken into 3 parts, 5 or 6 hours per part and I'm about 2 1/2 hours in. Everyone's talking about it so I thought I would read it. There's talk of the handsome guy from White Collar playing Christian Grey, he would be good.
I've been working out at the gym for 17 years, when I first started I didn't know one end of a free weight from the other but after so many years of a set routine, I'm comfortable enough with my level of fitness to assist others that look like they might be just starting out. After weight lifting I hop on the treadmill for a given amount of time, depending on how much time I have, although I've never considered myself a distance runner, I consider myself a runner. It was brought to my attention after reading Runner's Magazine that you're not a true runner if you only do the treadmill so today when I got home I decided to hit the high school track for a jog. At 7:30 at night it's deserted and I don't think my county has started school yet anyway. With Ipod & water bottle in hand, I head for the track, which I know from my own miserable high school experience is exactly 1/4 mile. I was barely a full lap around the track before I got winded, and not even two laps before my legs felt like they were cramping and I had to slow down to a walk. What is wrong with me? It's not like I've never exercised before, is the treadmill really that much easier? I tried not to get too frustrated, and told myself that as a creature of habit I'm just not used to it and I'll improve over time. I've never had my legs cramp up like that before. Maybe I didn't warm up enough before hand. We'll see.
I've been working out at the gym for 17 years, when I first started I didn't know one end of a free weight from the other but after so many years of a set routine, I'm comfortable enough with my level of fitness to assist others that look like they might be just starting out. After weight lifting I hop on the treadmill for a given amount of time, depending on how much time I have, although I've never considered myself a distance runner, I consider myself a runner. It was brought to my attention after reading Runner's Magazine that you're not a true runner if you only do the treadmill so today when I got home I decided to hit the high school track for a jog. At 7:30 at night it's deserted and I don't think my county has started school yet anyway. With Ipod & water bottle in hand, I head for the track, which I know from my own miserable high school experience is exactly 1/4 mile. I was barely a full lap around the track before I got winded, and not even two laps before my legs felt like they were cramping and I had to slow down to a walk. What is wrong with me? It's not like I've never exercised before, is the treadmill really that much easier? I tried not to get too frustrated, and told myself that as a creature of habit I'm just not used to it and I'll improve over time. I've never had my legs cramp up like that before. Maybe I didn't warm up enough before hand. We'll see.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
July 8
I know it's been a little while since I posted, but I can't access "Post new" from work, the admin blocked anything that looks like streaming media. I joined a new gym last week, Planet Fitness here in Atlanta, very nice. Working out early in the morning before work seems to agree with me and my internal clock. I'm working on "The God Delusion" on audiobook, I'm about 4 chapters in, pretty good book. You would be amazed how many negative comments you get from the Bible-thumpers on Yahoo comments when you post something about atheism after reading an article. My Dad invited me to Las Vegas with him & his family this Thanksgiving, I'll fly out for the weekend. Las Vegas was a lot of fun the last time I went, hopefully this time I'll have a little more spending money. Last time I only allotted $20 to gamble with. Won back $8 and got a free drink at the Circus Circus.
Friday, March 30, 2012
March 30
I found the coolest spot on Youtube, a poster called DarkMatter2525 who posts videos poking fun of religion and discussing Atheism. I've considered myself an Agnostic for a long time, because I gave up on the idea of Creationism back in college, but I think it's entirely possible there is a Higher Power that acts as a Spiritual guide in every day life. This poster on the other hand is a full-fledged Atheist and gives lots of intelligent reasons why. Some of his videos are pretty funny, there's one on what if atheists acted like religious conservatives, demanding the Atheist Manifesto posted in every classroom and restricting religious people from getting married. It never ceases to amaze me how many educated, intelligent people still believe stories like Noah's Ark and Jonah and the Whale.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
March 15

Gillian Anderson came out as Bi this morning, how cool. I can't say I'm all that surprised. She's always had a huge following among gay women. I think my huge crush on her back in the 90's is what helped me out of the closet in a way.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
February 8

If she had lived, yesterday would have been my mother's 64th birthday. I can't even imagine my mother as a 64 year old woman. On a happier note, Prop 8 was overruled by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional! This could set an important precedent.
Yesterday at Starbucks I was standing in line behind a man ordering from his wheelchair, who was a quadruple amputee. Both legs above the knee and both arms below the elbow. He must have been a veteran; looked fairly young. He put his coffee in his chair cupholder and simply went to where his friend was waiting for him and started booting up his laptop without even asking for any help from anyone. It really puts what we think of as our everyday "problems" in perspective.
Yesterday at Starbucks I was standing in line behind a man ordering from his wheelchair, who was a quadruple amputee. Both legs above the knee and both arms below the elbow. He must have been a veteran; looked fairly young. He put his coffee in his chair cupholder and simply went to where his friend was waiting for him and started booting up his laptop without even asking for any help from anyone. It really puts what we think of as our everyday "problems" in perspective.
Friday, January 13, 2012
January 13

I got a new car last weekend, a 2007 Ford Focus, bright red and in really great shape. I haven't taken a picture yet, but I will soon. My last car just died on me in the middle of the Target parking lot at 11:00 at night, I had to call a tow truck to come get me, totally defeated. Things could be worse; my friend Sandra is in the hospital having had an operation for her stomach. So far her recovery is doing well.
I was just watching Casey Anthony on the Biography channel last night, what a loser. Compulsive liar & attention seeker. I hope she receives justice eventually.
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