Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November 7

Woo-hoo!  I can't believe what a great night it was for equality!  Maine & Maryland voted in favor of gay marriage and Tammy Baldwin became the first openly gay Senator.  Marijuana legislation was boosted in a couple of states as well.  This is good news.  I was hoping for 300 electoral votes and it looks like we're going to exceed it.  Won the popular vote too.  I can't get this smile off my face.


teddy crescendo said...

Bert and Ernie are a bloody load of old rubbish.

Michelle said...
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jervaise brooke hamster said...

Michelle, i desperately want to perform every sex-act in the known universe on you ! ! !.

Michelle said... interest me.

Michelle said...

Jervaise, what sort of porn do you like ?.

jervaise brooke hamster said...
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Michelle said...

Thats what i like about you Jervaise, you`re so brilliantly descriptive.

jervaise brooke hamster said...

So Michelle you are out there prowling around somewhere, you`re even taking the time to be supposedly offended by some of my com-girl-ts, i wish i could get you to actually respond to me more often, you are such a gorgeous sexpot Michelle.