Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5

I finally finished The God Delusion!   Now I'm working on a Christopher Moore novel, but eventually I plan to read The Religious Condition, perhaps on the plane to Las Vegas.  I am so glad November 6 is almost here, I'm sick of hearing about the election but PLEASE let Obama be re-elected.  I don't want to know what that rich asshole will do if him and his stripper wife oust Barrack & Michelle from the White House.  If you haven't voted already, please hit the polls today and pull the straight Democrat Party lever! 


the sayer of the truth said...

Politics and the whole concept of government as we know it can have no place what-so-ever in a society that is revolving more and more around sexual obsession, just as religion could have no place what-so-ever in a society that was revolving more and more around science and technology towards the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centurys, its an exact parrallel.

Michelle said...

I totally agree, politicians and governments have always tried to fight against all forms of sexual activity and pleasure with-in society, in the same way that religious looneys used to fight against science and technology. Politics and government as we know it will have to be discarded in the same way that religion was discarded if our society is to move forward and that brave new world of every concievable kind of sexual activity and freedom is to finally materialise into reality. Government is getting in the way of sex in exactly the same way that religion was getting in the way of science ! ! !.