Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 12

I have had 2 interviews and both went great! I've already been offered one job and I might be offered another one sometime today. Looks like everything is going to be okay afterall. I didn't think anyone was hiring, but who knows, maybe having a new job will be a good thing. I'm kind of enjoying spending everyday at home with my feet up catching up on my DVR recordings. There's a lot of them, on top of Netflix. I need to be more selective.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 4

My greatest fear came true on Monday morning; I was laid off. Me & 25 other people, including a direct co-worker. I broke down and cried in my boss's arms like an idiot, but she was understanding. They kept saying it wasn't my fault, I'm a great employee, everyone likes me, it's just the economy. The entire company was in trouble, it was us or everyone. Fortunately, I'm receiving a decent severance package. Between that, my savings, and the tax refund I'll be getting at the beginning of February, I'll be fine for awhile. Of course, I've never been one to rest on my laurels, I've already started interviewing for another job, and I think there might be one with the temp agency I've registered with, it's a calling center job, which is perfect for me. I should know something within a week. Think positive thoughts.