Saturday, October 30, 2010

October 30

I love October, it's my favorite time of year, even in Atlanta where the season change is less noticeable. Tonight I'll probably be going to see a Midnight showing of Rocky Horror in Marietta, it's been a few years since I've seen it. Glee's version Tuesday wasn't bad, I liked Mercedes as Dr. Frank'n'Furter. One thing I don't understand about that show is why nobody doesn't stand up to the bullies with the slushies. Why not start throwing them right back in their faces? That would make it stop. Thank goodness we didn't have a slushie machine in my high school.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oct 9

Gay pride weekend is officially here in Atlanta! The lineup this year doesn't look all that exciting, but I'm really more interested in the parade & the vendors afterwards anyway. Antigone Rising is performing tomorrow night, and I think Kimberly Locke is perfoming tonight on the Coke Stage. Might be fun, if I can talk my uncle into coming with me. I sent a picture to the Domino's website on the "Send us your pic" campaign with the hopes of getting free gift certificates for pizza sent to me in the mail, I'm not sure if they'll like the picture I sent them. Couldn't be any worse than the one "Bryce" in Minnesota or whatever sent in.