Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December 18

Well.  I am done with the Chiropractor and I must say I am glad, or rather I am wishing I never went in the first place.  Those people really did a number on me, convincing me I had scoliosis and conning me into signing up for 36 treatments that didn't do a damn bit of good.  I looked at the X-rays yesterday and didn't see any difference whatsoever.  Of course they tried to sell me more visits and expensive equipment but this time I just said no thanks.  Live and learn I suppose.  At least I'm done with my Christmas shopping, didn't spend too much money on that.  I'm a big fan of the Dollar Tree.  The "War on Christmas" nonsense is all anyone is talking about on Facebook, it's so silly. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 11

I just read that the DJ's that were responsible for the nurse that committed suicide over the Royal Hospital prank have donated $500 K of guilt money to her family.  I'm glad her family will have something to prepare for the future with, but it doesn't excuse what they did.  One good thing that has come from this, it got people all over the world talking about lame practical jokes and how DJ's have gone too far with their "Shock routines."  Here in America it's illegal to make prank calls. 

Today I went running for the first time since Saturday morning when I donated blood, and wasn't able to do my usual mile & a half, I got tired after only half a mile.  I suppose the body needs time to replace a pint of blood, but I thought after 3 days I would be good to go.  Oh well, maybe tomorrow.  Off to Starbucks.