Friday, July 18, 2014

July 18

My second mammogram showed nothing is wrong with me, it was just a lymph node surrounded by fatty tissue! What a relief. I really have to have the tests done every year, I'm not so young anymore. Tonight after work I'm going to see KISS & Def Leppard at the Amplitheater.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 10

Monday morning I had to go in for a mammogram, since my Lifeforce participation required it to get me a discount on my health insurance, and I didn't have to pay anything. I hadn't been in 10 years, I always figure flat chested women like myself with no family history of breast cancer have nothing to worry about. The procedure doesn't take very long but it is extremely uncomfortable. I walked out afterwards and didn't give it a second thought. What do I have to worry about? I only did it for the health insurance discount. Then, last night I get a letter from them indicating there are "abnormalities" in my scan and I need to come in for more testing. That could mean anything. The soonest appointment I could get was a week from now, so I have to wait and worry. Am I being repaid for my arrogance, not getting tested for 10 years because I didn't think it would happen to me? Richard Roundtree had to have a double mastectomy from breast cancer.