Thursday, December 19, 2013

December 19

I've been working out at the gym before I go to work every morning for the past year or so, it's been working well. One problem I often have is the loud overhead music. Sometimes I can't hear my own headphones because of it, so I decided to come to work to run on the treadmill downstairs at my office, I'm thinking, nobody uses it and there is no overhead music. It's a little different than what I'm used to, but it might work out. Anyway, I walk into the gym area at 7:30 to hop on the treadmill and there is one of my more religious co-workers, lifting weights and watching the FOX NEWS network on the big screen tv. AAAGGGGHHHH!!! That's worse than overhead music! Fortunately he was finishing up and by the time I got back from the ladies' room he was gone and the tv was off. I guess I can work around it.