Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29

What is my problem?  Why can't I let go of the past?  I sit and stew about things from years ago that any normal person would have let go a long time ago.  Stupid shit that happened in high school.  I know there are people who have had far worse things happen to them and they move on, why can't I?  Maybe I just need a girlfriend.  I know that I spend way too much time on the couch watching tv.  Last night I was watching Rachel Maddow talking about a money laundering scheme involving an insurance website.  If I were to need a small amount of money laundered, I would use a casino, personally.

Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20

I have learned my lesson when it comes to "Easy Finance" in store credit cards.  Never Again!!!   As anyone who reads my blog knows, I had Lasik surgery 2 years ago, and financed with that doctor's office on a particular credit card known for offering no interest payments.  Long story short, after the 24 months runs  out, they go back and tack on all the interest that has deferred.  I was able to work out a deal where I paid off the entire principle and they took off that interest for me, but that pretty much wiped out my savings.  No Kindle Fire HD this month.  No fun purchases of any kind really, not for a while.  At least I'm back running on the treadmill.  I've decided the pain I'm still experiencing is in my head and I need to star running again anyway.  I also got called for Jury Duty this week, hopefully they won't need me that day, no way am I going to some boring trial.