Saturday, September 25, 2010

September 25

It's Saturday and once again I have no plans, except maybe to watch some netflix. I really need to start planning better. All my new shows are back on, so I have something to look forward to almost every night after I get home from the gym. I spent part of the week dog-sitting for my uncle since he was out of town, I don't know how he deals with those two barking all night, I barely got any sleep while I was there. I am still considering getting a small dog, like a teacup chihuahua or a malti-poo, but I don't know for sure. I might foster to see if they can get along with Luci first. I'm glad I wasn't sitting next to Lady Gaga at the VMA's in that meat dress of hers, imagine how that must have smelled under those lights? I do appreciate her campaigning to have DADT repealed, so gays can serve openly in the military. I'm not surprised the Republicans shot it down in the Senate, probably just out of spite. I don't think the military even cares any more about gays serving openly, what with their numbers being down as it is.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 15

The singer I've been rooting for all season won America's Got Talent! I'm pretty happy for him, since the grand prize is $1 million and his family lost everything in Hurricane Katrina. The new Fall season starts this week, so far I like Nikita and that's about it, none of the shows really look all that great except for maybe the reboot of Hawaii 5-0 I might give Undercovers & The Event a chance, but if I don't like the pilot I'm not sticking around. I'm not even watching the second season of Vampire Diaries. The acting is so lame I don't know why I watched it last season. At least I've got a new season of Hoarders to keep me entertained.